viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013


Hello everybody, it's a honor present you my first General English Composition blog. In this page the readers can find information about how to write a paragraph, and  some useful examples related to this topic. also, there are good examples about formal, informal and semi-informal letter and Email, and two special writting about the coffee production, and the aftermaths of the coffee strike in Florencia during 2013.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013



A paragraph is a group of sentences that  develop a single point, idea or topic.  The topic is usually best  expressed clearly at or very near the opening.

 Topic Sentence 

A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph. Sometimes referred to as a focus sentence, the topic sentence helps organize the paragraph by summarizing the information in the paragraph. In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph.

Supporting Sentences 

The second part of a paragraph is the body of the paragraph, the supporting sentences.  The sentences in the body of the paragraph provide details to support the topic.

Concluding Sentences

The last sentence in the paragraph is the concluding sentences which summarize the paragraph.


·         Tells a chain of events to create a story with a significant meaning.
·         Usually depicts an event from the writer’s life.


A few days ago, I had the opportunity to assist at  First International EFL Teachers’ Congress that was celebrated on May 9th and 10th at Amazonia University in Florencia Caquetá. Students and teachers from different universities from Colombia and other countries attended  this important event. The congress started on May 9th in the morning with a short opening ceremony when the principal Leonidas Rico Martinez. After some a few words gave to everyone a special welcome, and I was ready for the first presentation that was in charge of Jaime Acajima Alama from Piura but after this presentation I had to leave the auditorium to address issues related to my work while my partners and the rest of assistants were there learning and enjoying this congress, On May 10th I really wanted to see the videoconference in change of Dr. Eric K Johnson from US Embassy but due to some technical problems this videoconference was not possible to be presented. Some minutes later, I decided to go to Manigua room where Valeriya Lytvychencko and Liubana Sichko were presenting “ I speak two languages, Body and Body”, this was a meaningful presentations for me due to the topic’s importance. Finally, after many conferences and good presentations, and a funny closing ceremony at 04:30PM the First International EFL Teachers’ Congress ended successfully, and I returned  home with new things in my mind for being applied in my life as a teacher. 


·        -Opinion paragraph shows the writer’s own opinions about a specific topic.

·       - To write a good opinion paragraph, the topic should be controversial.

·        -To convince the reader, the writer should give both sides of the topic.


This kind of events is pretty important for those students and teachers who want to increase their knowledge about how to teach English Language. The fact that people from different universities and countries had been sharing their experiences with us means that there should be no borders for knowledge. But, there are some important aspects that we have to take into consideration for future events. First, the auditorium has serious ventilation problems, on May 10th there were troubles with the videoconferences, there was a good presentation in charge of Valeriya Lytvychencko and Liubana Sichko that many people wanted to see at Auditorium but they had to present their topic in a reduced classroom, the food in the majority of the times was cold. I know that it is not easy organize this kind of projects and I should show my respect for those students and teachers that had to work hard trying to the 1st International EFL Teachers’ Congress ended in a good way but these are only some aspects that should be improved in next English’ Congress. 


·        -A persuasive paragraph gives the writer’s opinion on the topic and tries to get the reader    to agree with it.

·        -Uses emotive language.

·        -Use technical language.


Study at home is very important to get a good academic performance. One reason is that at university the students do not receive all the academic content and in many cases this content has to be reinforced with extra-class activities, but this does not mean homework  all time. It is demonstrated that the students that get the better grades have their own timetable for studying outside the classroom. Another reason for study at home is take advantage of free time, there are many students who have much free time and much of them do not know how to use it  in a useful way. In addition, not all  students have the same academic performance there are some of them who need read, write and practice more time to be at the same level of their mates. Finally, the most important reason for study at home is to be prepared for tests and other activities related to the topics treated in classes, so, if students want to improve their performance, they have to think of study at home every day.    

·        An information paragraph is a simple presentation of facts and information. 
·        Your personal opinion and thoughts should not be included.


Hip Hop is not only music; it is a street culture that contains four elements: MC, Disk Jockey, Graffiti, and Break Dance. MC or Master of Ceremony is one of the most important elements who is in charge to make the rhymes and transmits the Hip Hop’s Message.The Disk Jockey creates the basis and controls the music for rapping on them. Big Boy is the name for the person who practices Break Dance, a street dance that appeared in United States in 80s. Graffiti is the four elements and is represented by interesting pictures on walls of many streets around the world.As you see Hip Hop not only represents music, this culture has many followers in the entire world and every day is known by more people.  

  • Gives an overall description of something that may be difficult to understand.
  •       Explains a process.

Repairing cellphones is not easy; you have to be careful for making a good job. First, the technical has to identify the damage. After identifying the damage, the technical should look for the correct part to be replaced. The cellphone has to be uncovered carefully for changing the damaged part taking into consideration do not touch other delicate parts. Finally, you cover the cellphone, it is better do all the process slowly, remember, you do not need velocity; you need preciseness. 


  • The Comparison paragraph compares two subjects and discusses how they are alike and lists a few examples.
  • In the contrast paragraph, two subjects are discussed as how they are different, again, listing a few examples. 


The Spanish League of football is one of the most important world championships, and really good team participating.
Barcelona and Real Madrid are Spanish Football teams, although both are great football teams, the have some differences. First, Barcelona has the best football player in the world , Lionel Messi, Real Madrid has an excellent player too, called Cristiano Ronaldo but he still could not win a Champions League for the team, Messi has won three with Barcelona (2006,2009,2001). Barcelona is a cradle for amazing young players, different from Real Madrid, they have to spend a lot of money every season for buying good players but this club has a richer history in the European cups, Barcelona has won three but Real Madrid has won nine.
Any football player wants to play for these teams but only some of them have had this nice opportunity.


  • A descriptive paragraph describes how a person/thing looks or feels. In descriptive paragraphs, you can describe people, places, objects, or events. The main purpose is to create an image in reader’s minds. In short, it is a kind of painting with the words.


When I arrived in Florencia from Pitalito Huila I did not have a house to live, I started in a friend’s house accompanied by his family, and sharing the few comforts that they had there. That uncomfortable situation continued for one month until I had enough money to pay the rent of a small one.
Mi house is located in La Libertad neighborhood, it has a simple bedroom, and little and useful kitchen, and a broad garage that it is not being used because I do not have car, it has a nice ceramic floor and its yard is being shared with my neighbor, its walls are not painted, although it is a small house it is comfortable due to it is not a hot place, taking into account that Florencia is a warm city owing to its humidity.
I am feeling happy there because it is an attractive house in a good neighborhood near downtown, Exito shopping center, Amazonia University, and other important places, besides I have been living there for three years, and I know that it is not easy to find good houses in Florencia when you do not have enough money.


Today, I am going to describe a responsible and smart woman, her name is May, she is always in time class, and never forgets to homework, for that reason she is one of the best students in my classroom, she is serious in situations of concentration but relaxed and funny when the moment calls for it.
May is nineteen years old, she is thin, she only weights 54 kilograms, she is not a tall woman, she measures 1.58 meters, her eyes are dark, her nose is a little big, her eyebrows are not thick, she has a long and straight hair, her lips are thick but not much, and her skin is swarthy. 


This is a love’s history, it happens in a school between a girl and a boy. They were in love no doubt, the boy tries to show his love with sweet details, and the girl was happy because she wanted to be near him but she seemed be insecure about her appearance and her friends decided to help her.

The girl always was thinking on him, even she dreamed into a church with him but it was just a dream because they were so young to be married. The boy wanted to be near her too, and did many things to catch her attention, and get her heart. Every thing that the other do was very important for both, even ridiculous things, one say she found a button, and painted a happy face there while thought on him. Finally, they finished as they began loving them each other.


I am Oscar Angel, a student, father, husband, and a worker man that lives in Florencia Caqueta. Every day I have to do many things. First, I usually wake up at 06:30 in a normal day but when I have much homework I wake up earlier.  After waking up I take a shower to fresh my body, later I eat breakfast, and leave my home at 07:40. At 08:00 I start to work at Transport Terminal in a local that offers different services such as Internet, copies, cellphone repairing, and so for.

At 12:00 PM I return to my house to rest some minutes, and eat lunch, at 02:00 PM I go to the Transport Terminal, the local is closed by me at 06:00PM because I am studying English at Amazonia University when the classes start at 06:30PM, finish at 10:30PM, so my day usually end at 11:00PM in the majority of times, after being awake during 16 hours.


Wilfer is my classmate, and He has a bakery located near University. He usually wakes up at 05: 00AM every day, he takes a shower and brushes his teeth, later he prepares breakfast alone because he does not have wife. The bakery  is opened by him at 06:00AM then he starts to work with his family.

He works till at 12:00PM, later he takes a rest, and eat lunch, at 03:00PM he starts to work again, he has to be at University at 06:30 PM due to he is studying English too. His day finishes usually at 11:30PM after doing many activities to be every day a better person. 


Holly week is celebrated around the world every year by the catholic religion in March or April, for many people is a time to pray, and for some others it means vacations because the majority of companies, schools and universities do not work in this period.

Holly week is for me a normal week, although I do not have to study I have to work to get money for paying different debts. This year was the same, while some of my friends were enjoying a fun week, I was doings the same things in the same place, I did not go to the church due to I do not believe in religions, I see them like another way to earn money. In conclusion, it was a boring week.  

I hope that next vacations perhaps in June will be better, I want to travel where my family is because I did not see them for four months ago, it is not easy for me to dispose of many days to do it, I usually stay there for three or five days, so I have to appreciate each minute near them. 


One hundred thousand farmers blocked some important roads in Colombia, they were demanding the national goverment for better conditions to negotiate the coffee produced by them. Florencia Caqueta is located in south of Colombia, and this year suffered a social crisis due to the blockages cause by the coffee farmes.

Blockages by farmers.

There are two ways to get to Florencia , by land and by air. The majority of things that are imported to Florencia enter by car, for that reason the blockade of its main road affected this city seriously.The first week after the begining of the blockages the citizens started to need vegetables grains and fruits, days later there was a lack  of food in general, fuel and natural gas due to these reasons the municipal goverment declared the humanitarian crisis, schools and colleges were closed and the commerce wasexperimenting millionaries losses.

Citizens asking for petrol.

After twelve hard days of protest coffee, national goverment and farmers reached an agreement, roads were reaponed, food, fuel, merchandies and the prosperty returned to Florencia one more time. 


jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


Every product has a process and each process has a technique, the way how to improve the final product seeking quality and efficiency is the production. Since the first plantations the Colombian farmers want to develop the best strategies and methods to increase their harvestings, taking into account that this country is one of the most important exporters of this grain around the world. LA FEDERACION NACIONAL DE CAFETEROS founded in 1927, has been developing technological and scientific programs to achieve the best results.
For producing a coffee of a high quality the cultivators need to consider some important aspects related directly with this practice such as ground, climate, geographic position and pest control, always considering the environmental and workers protection. The adequate conditions of weather and ground can produce coffee of an excellent class. In very hot places the coffee’s plants have a development cycle shorter and the cultivation endures less time different from cold places where the plants have a better growth and their production is longer, why reason the coffee have to be planted into a temperature between 18 and 22°C, neither much nor few rain. The sun is an energy fountain for the plant and is the most important natural element to elaborate its own food, the trees should be enough separated to avoid that the plants end competing for the light among them. The ground must be prepared before planting by the coffee farmers and this should be rich in minerals such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous and potassium, its color has to be dark  because of this kind of ground has a lot of organic  matter. The optimum region to cultivate coffee can be found between 1250 and 1600 of altitude above sea level, helped by good weather conditions. Commonly the coffee tree is victim of plagues and diseases that can kill an entire cultivate quickly if it is not treating early in a correct way.

Finally it is not easy to produce good quality of coffee in any place, this product has been associated during some centuries to the international market, for that reason at the present time science and technology based in many investigations are supporting all the coffee production activities to provide tools and knowledge helping many people from several zones of underdeveloped countries like Colombia to find in the production of coffee another way to work decently.