jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


Every product has a process and each process has a technique, the way how to improve the final product seeking quality and efficiency is the production. Since the first plantations the Colombian farmers want to develop the best strategies and methods to increase their harvestings, taking into account that this country is one of the most important exporters of this grain around the world. LA FEDERACION NACIONAL DE CAFETEROS founded in 1927, has been developing technological and scientific programs to achieve the best results.
For producing a coffee of a high quality the cultivators need to consider some important aspects related directly with this practice such as ground, climate, geographic position and pest control, always considering the environmental and workers protection. The adequate conditions of weather and ground can produce coffee of an excellent class. In very hot places the coffee’s plants have a development cycle shorter and the cultivation endures less time different from cold places where the plants have a better growth and their production is longer, why reason the coffee have to be planted into a temperature between 18 and 22°C, neither much nor few rain. The sun is an energy fountain for the plant and is the most important natural element to elaborate its own food, the trees should be enough separated to avoid that the plants end competing for the light among them. The ground must be prepared before planting by the coffee farmers and this should be rich in minerals such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous and potassium, its color has to be dark  because of this kind of ground has a lot of organic  matter. The optimum region to cultivate coffee can be found between 1250 and 1600 of altitude above sea level, helped by good weather conditions. Commonly the coffee tree is victim of plagues and diseases that can kill an entire cultivate quickly if it is not treating early in a correct way.

Finally it is not easy to produce good quality of coffee in any place, this product has been associated during some centuries to the international market, for that reason at the present time science and technology based in many investigations are supporting all the coffee production activities to provide tools and knowledge helping many people from several zones of underdeveloped countries like Colombia to find in the production of coffee another way to work decently.

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